Advanced cardiac care

Advance Cardiac Care

Advanced cardiac care

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are one of the primary causes of mortality and morbidity around the globe. Numerous technological developments are made every day in the medical industry, and the cardiovascular system is no exception. Each Hospital is engaged in acquiring the latest equipment in the respective field. Heart diseases are categorized into various types. Broadly, there are three groups of sub-specialty i.e. Preventive cardiology, Interventional Cardiology, and Cardiac Surgery. While preventive cardiology deals with preventive steps in cardiovascular disease, Interventional Cardiology deals with the diagnosis and management of a heart attack or other interventional treatments except for cardiac surgeries which is a cardiac surgeon’s domain.  Altius Hospital, the best in cardiac care has world-class facilities for effective cardiac care. We understand the critical role of a strong multidisciplinary group in delivering the best care to patients.

Preventive Cardiology – This branch of Cardiology deals with primarily health check packages & non-invasive procedures. To rule out any heart conditions, cardiac consultants often recommend regular health check-ups. Different types of health check-up packages suiting your age group are available, for you to choose from. Depending on the cardiac package chosen, investigations range from a simple ECG, Lipid profile to TMT/ECHO. Some cardiologists recommend cardiac CT or cardiac MRI scan to rule out cardiac involvement as part of a cardiac check.

Interventional Cardiology – The majority of cardiac patients seen in this unit of Invasive Cardiology are for an angiogram and/or angioplasty. While the former is a diagnostic procedure, the latter is for treatment. Certain congenital cardiac deformities like a hole in the heart (ASD, VSD), etc, need intervention and come under the preview of this department. Procedures like pacemaker implantation in case of heart failure, electrophysiology, etc, are performed by the interventional cardiologist.

Cardiac Surgery

Some cardiac patients may require open-heart surgery for revascularization. This is generally recommended by the cardiac consultant if there are multiple blocks or if all three arteries that supply blood to the heart are involved. All open heart operations are cardiac surgeons’ domain of expertise. The operating theatres at Altius Hospital are well equipped with the latest in technology instruments and equipment to address even complex cardiac procedures such as bypass surgeries, holes in the heart, valve repair or replacement, etc, and any other surgical interventions.


State-of-art facility for cardiac care with ultra-modern equipment promoting the highest standards of multidisciplinary care for critically ill patients with a scientific approach. All protocols & guidelines s for carrying out various aspects of procedures are strictly met as per standards. Regular counseling that keeps family members updated about the patient’s health status relieves their anxiety too. 


We, at Altius Hospitals, have come up with newer facilities to practice and deliver safe and effective treatment to our patients and have left no stone unturned in continuous updation. Innovation & adoption of newer Technologies is a continuous process here.