Be Careful With CAD

Be careful CAD


In recent times, the number of deaths due to cardiac arrest, also known as a heart attack, has increased drastically. One of the most common conditions of the heart that cause heart attacks is coronary artery disease (CAD), a condition of the thickening of one or more arteries that supply blood to the heart. Fats, cholesterol, and other substances get deposited in arteries over a period of time, and when blood cells come in contact, they create a plaque proportionately reducing the arterial lumen. This is known as atherosclerosis and can cause stroke or peripheral vascular disease, which are now collectively known as cardiovascular diseases. In CAD, the blood supply to the heart is affected, leading to angina and ultimately, a heart attack. The condition needs immediate treatment at the best cardiology hospitals.

Though it is difficult to accept being diagnosed with a heart condition, Altius Hospitals provides a wealth of information and support from leading cardiac specialists, alleviating your concerns. With the best heart specialists and with advanced cardiac care, the heart and any emergency heart treatment is given at Altius Hospitals are on par with the world’s best standards.

The heart is the main pumping organ of the body, which supplies blood to all parts, including the heart itself. Like any other artery, the arteries supplying blood to the heart are likely to get narrowed and eventually blocked. When blood flow to the heart is reduced, the heart muscles are deprived of the required amount of nutrients and oxygen, which leads to muscle fatigue. We cannot afford for the heart muscles to become tired as they have to work all the time, which means that they stop functioning and life ceases, a condition called a heart attack, which requires the best cardiac specialist to treat the condition.

Atherosclerosis starts due to damage to the endothelium.  Common causes include:

  • Untreated high cholesterol
  • Uncontrolled blood pressure
  • Inflammation due to certain autoimmune disorders
  • Obesity or diabetes
  • Smoking

Fat rich in cholesterol or LDL, sweeps over a damaged endothelium, thus getting stuck to the wall of the artery. The white blood cells come together to digest the LDL. Over the years, cholesterol, or LDL, along with cells, form plaque in the wall of the artery which looks like an elevated, crusted area that is rough.

As atherosclerosis progresses, the bump gets bigger. When it gets big enough, it can narrow the arterial lumen or create a blockage in the flow of blood. The block can even rupture, and the ruptured area promotes clotting.

Difference between angina and heart attack


When the blood supply to the heart becomes restricted because of narrowed arteries, a person is likely to experience pain or discomfort in the chest, which is called angina. Angina is a symptom of CAD, not an illness in itself. It’s your heart’s way of telling you that it’s not getting enough oxygen to do something strenuous or that you’re stressed.

Heart attack

In a heart attack, the blood supply to a part of the heart muscle becomes completely blocked. A narrowing of blood vessels, if left untreated, can cause plaque formation. The plaque, which is formed of fatty material and blood clots, can dislodge itself and travel along the blood flow. When these get caught in a coronary artery, they can cause damage to the part of your heart muscle that that particular coronary artery was supplying, resulting in a heart attack. This serious condition needs immediate treatment by the best cardiologist.


CAD is generally devoid of any symptoms until inevitable situations arise. Corrective mechanisms are nearly impossible by then. Above the age of 40, regular health checks and a low-fat diet can reduce the risk of CAD. Altius Hospitals has health packages, including one specifically for cardiac care, which is the best way to keep CAD at bay.