Early Signs Of Arthritis

Signs Of Arthritis


A range of diseases collectively referred to as arthritis cause inflammation in one or more joints. Arthritis typically manifests as joint pain, stiffness, and oedema. Identifying the signs and symptoms at early onset and beginning therapy early can help manage the condition. Most times the pains are not taken seriously and tend to be ignored. To better understand if the pain is just a common condition or arthritis pain, it is wise to consult an orthopedic specialist at a nearby hospital. Aultis Hospitals has some of the best orthopedists and surgeons providing excellent care to find effective relief from arthritis.

Early signs of arthritis

Depending on the type of arthritis a person has, different symptoms may exist. However, the following early symptoms are present in all cases of arthritis.

  • Joint discomfort: A person typically feels pain in the joints, which may be constant, intermittent, or only present when the injured area is touched.
  • Swelling: A person’s joints may feel warm to the touch and appear red. The tissue surrounding the joints may also swell up. Additionally, the swollen area could likely indicate the presence of fluid. The orthopedist might inquire whether these symptoms are intermittent or persistent.
  • Stiffness: A patient may be questioned by a doctor regarding the occurrence and duration of joint stiffness.
  • Reduced range of motion: Joint stiffness can result in a reduced range of motion.
  • Let’s focus on a few prevalent arthritic disorders’ early symptoms.
Early signs of Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic condition, is the most common kind of autoimmune arthritis.

RA signs can include:

  • Joint discomfort: Even though a person with RA may not initially have redness or swelling, they may experience stiffness, pain, or soreness in the joints.
  • Joint stiffness is a potential condition that might worsen in the morning and last for up to two hours.
  • Fatigue: This condition causes a person to feel exhausted, frail, or feverish.
Early osteoarthritis symptoms

The most prevalent type of arthritis in adults is osteoarthritis (OA), commonly referred to as degenerative arthritis and more prevalent in older persons.

In the hands, spine, hips, knees, and toes, OA frequently manifests itself.

Early indications of OA can include:

  • Stiffness and joint pain: Joints that are often used such as the hands and spine, or weight-bearing joints, such as the hips and knees, are frequently affected.
  • Joint grinding or cracking: As the cartilage in the joint deteriorates, a person may hear a crackling or crunching sound when moving the joint.
  • Joint instability: A person may experience looseness or diminished function in the joint as a result of a weakening of the tissues surrounding the joint.
Early psoriatic arthritis symptoms

People who have psoriasis are more likely to develop psoriatic arthritis (PsA), a form of inflammatory arthritis. When a person has this skin disorder, their immune system starts to attack joint cells. PsA can affect one joint or more joints and can affect every joint in the body.

Early indications of PsA may include:

  • Dactylitis: Finger and toe inflammation is known as dactylitis. Some people may refer to the disorder as “sausage fingers” because the swelling can be significant and cause the digit to lose its definition. Pitting can also appear in the nails on your fingers and toes.
  • Spondylitis is an inflammation that affects the joints in the pelvis and spine. Back or neck stiffness from spondylitis may make it difficult to bend.
  • Enthesitis: Enthesitis is an inflammatory and sore condition that affects the areas where ligaments and tendons attach to bones. It can result in pain in the elbow area, on the foot sole, and towards the rear of the heel.
Early gout symptoms

The inflammatory form of arthritis known as gout often comes and goes in brief, furious bursts. It typically starts in the foot and frequently affects the big toe.

Early gout symptoms may include:

  • Joint discomfort that suddenly flares up can affect numerous joints, although usually only the big toe.
  • High uric acid levels can cause joint inflammation, which manifests as swollen, red, heated, and tight joints. Additionally, a single joint may experience brief, intense bursts of stiffness, redness, swelling, and pain.
  • Flare triggers: A person may see that specific foods, drinks, medicines, physical trauma, or illnesses might bring on a flare-up of joint pain and inflammation.


Depending on the type, arthritis can cause a variety of specific symptoms. However, stiffness, oedema, and joint discomfort are some common early signs of arthritis.

A person can begin the appropriate treatment for arthritis more quickly if they receive a diagnosis as early as possible. Altius Hospitals is well equipped with all the required diagnostic and treatment facilities for arthritis. With any early indications of arthritis, an individual can safeguard joints and lead an active lifestyle. If you look for the best orthopedic doctor near youyou can find Altius Hospitals as the best hospital not only for arthritis but also for any health needs.