Heart conditions and the need for early treatment

Heart condition

Heart Conditions and the need for Early Treatment

Heart diseases and different conditions affect the heart directly or indirectly and compromise its ability to work efficiently. Though it is hard to accept once you are diagnosed with a heart condition, a lot of information and support is available to you at Altius Hospital for cardiac care which makes your worry less. With the best heart specialist and with advanced cardiac care, heart and any heart emergency treatment given here at Altius hospital are on par with the world’s best standards.

Common heart diseases are the following described briefly:

Coronary artery disease (CAD)Heart is the main pumping organ of the body which supplies blood to all parts including the heart itself. Like any other arteries, the arteries supplying blood to the heart are likely narrowed and eventually blocked. When blood flow to the heart is less, heart muscles are deprived of the required amount of nutrients and oxygen which leads to muscle fatigue. We cannot afford heart muscles to become tired as it has to work all through which means that it stops functioning and life ceases. Hence, it is vital to diagnose the narrowing or blocks of coronaries.


When the blood supply to your heart becomes restricted because of your arteries becoming narrowed, you are likely to experience pain or discomfort in the chest which is angina. Angina is a symptom of CAD, not an illness in itself. It is the way your heart tells you that it’s not getting enough oxygen to do something strenuous or you’re feeling under stress. 

  • Stable angina 

When people learn to identify what level of activity will bring on an angina attack, it is stable angina

  • Unstable angina

Sudden chest pain or a sudden worsening of existing angina can develop when the blood supply to the heart is severely restricted and angina attacks occur more frequently, with less and less activity. Unstable Angina may even happen at rest or wake you from sleep and can last up to 10 minutes.

Heart attack

We have heard of the word heart attack. It is a familiar term medically known as myocardial infarction or MI. In a heart attack, the blood supply to part of your heart muscle becomes completely blocked. Narrowing of blood vessels, if left untreated can cause plaque formation. The plaque, which is formed of fatty material and blood clots, can dislodge itself and travel along the blood flow. When these get caught in a coronary artery, they can cause damage to the part of your heart muscle to which that particular coronary artery was supplying resulting in MI.

Heart failure

In some conditions, the heart muscles have to work extra to pump blood ensuring supply. Over a period, such ongoing pumping heart muscles can be weaker, and pumping action can’t work effectively. When the heart muscle can’t meet your body’s demand for blood and oxygen, the body develops different symptoms, like fatigue and shortness of breath. It is the failure of the heart to work efficiently that is termed heart failure.

Arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythms)

When there is a disruption in the electrical impulses in the heart, and its muscles, your heart can beat too quickly (tachycardia), too slowly (bradycardia), and/or in an irregular way. This is known as arrhythmias.

Valve disease 

The valves always permit the flow of blood forwards which means that backward flow or regurgitation as it is termed is a nil possibility. Like any other organ, the heart also can get overloaded and damaged due to any fault in the heart valve, leading to a range of symptoms, like breathlessness, swelling in ankles, palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, or fainting.


A variety of heart ailments exist, each requiring specific treatment and or interventions. Altius Hospitalthe best cardiac care centre is equipped with facilities to treat routine as well as emergency cases.