How To Make The Bones Strong And Healthy​

How To Make The Bones Strong And Healthy

Bone health is vital in all age groups. While bones are required for a normal structure of the body and muscles to get attached, they are also the storehouses of important minerals like calcium.  Poor calcium levels in the body, smoking & alcohol usage, lack of physical activity, old age, hormones, poor diet, etc, can make bones weaker making it necessary to consult a bone doctor.  Bone density reduces at a faster rate in women compared to men. This is because, after menopause, the oestrogen level falls. At a young age, bones have the capability of growing faster and stronger. But as you age, bones function slower and become weaker. By the time you reach the age of 30, the chances of developing osteoporosis or ‘brittle bones’ increases. This might lead to certain conditions where consulting an orthopedic specialist would be advisable to ensure good bone health.  Orthopedic Unit at Altius Hospitals is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and the best orthopedic specialists in the city.

Ways to keep bones strong and healthy

Nutritional Diet

For the bones to be healthy, a certain variety of nutrients are essential.  These include calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, etc. Getting enough calcium is most necessary to keep the bones strong and healthy. One way to ensure healthy bones is that there is a good amount of nutrition by consuming a calcium-rich diet. Some of the foods that we recommend you include:

  1. Dairy products such as low-fat yoghurt or milk.
  2. Nuts & greens to the diet such as almonds, broccoli & kale.
  3. Other foods include salmon, sardines and soy products.


The role of vitamin D in absorbing calcium is a proven point.  Normal levels of vitamin D are equal to or greater than 20 ng/mL. When Vitamin D is lesser, it depends on the reserves in bone for absorption of calcium. Thus, a lesser quantity of vitamin D adversely affects bones. Over some time, this can lead to vitamin D deficiency and proportionate poor calcium absorption.  Thus, expose yourself to sunlight to ensure adequate supply of vitamin D to your bones.


Exercising is one of the recommended ways to keep your bones, muscles and joints strong and sturdy. Nearly any form of exercise viz yoga and aerobics regularly, will contribute to maintaining your bone health. As you get older, you should focus on weight-bearing exercises and strength training exercises to develop bone strength and combat weakening bones.

Weight-bearing exercises work against gravity, example climbing stairs, running, walking, dancing etc. These exercise help, in developing muscle mass and bone strength by adding to bone density.

Strength training exercises also known as resistance exercises are the ones which make bone heavier as the muscles grow denser through exercises such as pushups, free weights, rowing, resistance bands, etc.

Weight Management

In line with a healthy diet and regular exercise, losing fat is another way to ensure stronger joints and bones. While losing weight is primarily for improving joint health, especially the knees and hips which are the weight-bearing joints, it can also help to ease the pressure on your entire musculoskeletal structure.

Healthy eating features a variety of healthy foods. Fad diets may promise fast results, but such diets are of no nutritional value.

Physical activity is tailor-made and depends on how much weight loss is targeted. Walking regularly is often a good way to add more physical activity to your lifestyle.

Managing your weight contributes to good health.  Obesity increases the risk of many serious ailments.  Many factors can contribute to excess weight gain including eating habits, physical activity, lifestyle, and sleep routines. Factors like genetics and chronic medications also contribute to obesity.

A BMI of 25 and below is ideal. If obese, aim towards this.

Quit smoking

Smoking is a known risk factor for osteoporosis. Nicotine and other chemicals in tobacco slow the production of osteocytes. They also hinder blood flow to your bones compromising their development.

Cut on added sugars

By adding sugars, we mean the extra sugar that you add to the table.  Sugar can cause your body to flush out bone-strengthening calcium and magnesium or prevent intestinal absorption of calcium or can render important nutrients from your diet ineffective to be absorbed.


Bone health is very essential to maintain normal structure of the body and movements.  Monitor your bone health by consulting the orthopaedic specialist at any of the branches of Altius Hospitals.