Some Health Checkups Are Crucial For Women To Build Strength

Some health checkups

Some Health Checkups Are Crucial For Women To Build Strength

Few tests mentioned here are not limited to women; they holds good even for men but why then focus on women’s health? We have seen in most families that women take a back seat by default for all initiatives and propel men, who are usually being the head of the family and bread-winner. But then most of the diseases are not gender specific. Hence, an awareness program will essentially focus on the need for women too for their up keep of health.

“Regular screening may even save your life. An early detection of a disease will facilitate early treatment that can prevent possible complications and improve quality of life. I have had many patients who religiously subject themselves for their regular screenings, and were able to catch certain ailments at a very early stage. It changed the course of their lives. We were able to help some of our patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer in its early stages through regular health checks, and were able to undergo breast-sparing surgery and have had excellent prognoses.” is an important of piece of information quoted by Dr. Darshana Reddy Consultant-Internal Medicine of Altius Hospitals.

Let us examine as to what screenings should be regularly done

  1. Cholesterol levels

Your risk of contracting heart disease or having a stroke can be determined by routine blood tests for cholesterol. At least once every five years, all women over the age of 20 should get their cholesterol checked.  200 mg/dL of cholesterol is the maximum amount that is advised. If you find that the test results are abnormal, please get consultation with the Physician at Altius Hospitals.

  1. Pap Smears

This is one of the best ways to detect any changes at the cellular level. Many health check-up packages have included this in the list. Women under the age of 30 are advised to have Pap smears once every five years and those above 30 once in three years. However, if there is no past history of bleeding and in the case of patients who underwent total hysterectomy, or above the age of 60, Pap smear is not required. If you are at a higher risk, then your Gynecologist at Altius Hospitals may alter the schedule.

Usually, a Pap smear is done along with a pelvic exam, and in the case of women who are older than age 30, the Pap test may be conducted in combination with a test for human papillomavirus (HPV) – a common STD that can cause cervical cancer. In some cases, the HPV test alone may be done in lieu of a Pap smear. In case there is any suspicion of cancer, you might have to look for the best Gynaecologic Oncology services as the first step towards beginning the treatment.

  1. Mammograms

A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast and the best way to find breast cancer for most women of screening age. For many women, mammograms are the best way to detect breast cancer at an early stage. It becomes easier to treat with higher success rate and before it symptoms manifest.  Hence, mammogram is included in some of the health check packages also. As you grow older, the risk for breast cancer increases. The most recent guidelines recommend that starting at age 45, women should have a mammogram every two years. If you have a family history of the disease or other concerns, talk to our cancer specialist about starting annual screening earlier.

  1. Bone Density Screening

It is seen that calcium absorption reduce with the age. Proportionately, bone formation also gets affected. Women should start getting screened for osteoporosis with a bone mineral density test (BMD) at age 65. Those with risk factors for osteoporosis such fractures or low body weight, brittle bones, fragile built body, etc, should be screened earlier. Our Orthopaedic surgeon will tell you frequency of performing a BMD which is based on varies factors like bone density and other risk factors.

  1. Blood Glucose Tests

Diabetes is on its rise and is seen younger age groups as well. One may be prediabetic without any symptoms. If you are 40 or above, get a blood glucose test every three years to check for diabetes or prediabetes.

  1. Body Mass Index (BMI)

If your BMI puts you in the “overweight, obese, or severely obese” category, you should consult your Doctor and plan out an action program to lose weight. If there are additional risk factors such as smoking or inactivity, or if high blood pressure co-exists, then do not wait, and consult your Doctor immediately.

It is very clear that risk for various diseases like cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure, stroke, kidney problems, cancer, arthritis, and other chronic diseases starts to rise at a BMI of 25. BMI should ideally be maintained between 18.5 and 24.9.


Every woman should make time for themselves for inculcating healthy habits like stress management, regular exercise, and choosing the right foods. Scheduling routine health screenings, which can detect some disorders at an early stage, perhaps even before the symptoms manifest is one such habit.