Traveling While Pregnant? 6 Things You Need To Know

Traveling While Pregnant


As long as there are no recognized risks or obstacles, traveling while pregnant is typically safe. The ideal time to travel is during the second trimester of pregnancy. A woman is typically more prone to weariness and the morning sickness of the first trimester when she is nearing the third trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, the vast majority of gynecologists advise flying during the second trimester. Are you fit to travel? Consult with our obstetrician or gynecologist at Lil Feet by Altius Hospitals, the best maternity hospital in Bangalore

Traveling by Air during Pregnancy

The following tips could make a woman’s travel safer and more comfortable even though flying is generally regarded as safe for pregnant women.

Most airlines have cramped corridors and small restrooms, which makes getting around and using the restroom more challenging. By choosing an aisle seat, you can stand up more easily to use the restroom or just to stretch your legs and back.

Compressive stockings are advised because high altitudes pose a danger for blood clots.

Traveling by sea during pregnancy

Although it may make one feel queasy again, traveling by water is generally safe for pregnant women. However, the motion of the boat may worsen morning sickness, but certain medications can be taken to keep the sickness under control. Consult a specialist at Lil Feet by Altius Hospitals if you have any travel plans to take adequate precautionary measures for the safety of you and your baby.

There are a few things to keep in mind to make one’s journey safer and more relaxing:

Make sure there is a medical professional on board in case there are any pregnancy-related complications by checking with the cruise. Analyze the routes and ports to check for the availability of medical facilities in case of medical emergencies. Verify that any drugs for motion sickness are safe for pregnant women to take and pose no risk to the unborn child.

Traveling by land during Pregnancy

It is generally safe to travel while pregnant, whether one is taking a bus, rail, or car. However, there are a few things to take into account that could make your trip safer and more comfortable.

Every time a car is driven, the seat belt must be buckled.

Maintain the airbags’ activation. The airbag’s safety advantages outweigh any possible risk to you or your child.

Aisles on buses are frequently confined. Using this kind of transportation could be more challenging. It is always advisable to refrain from moving while the bus is in motion.

Trains typically offer more room for moving and walking. Most often, bathrooms are small. Grab onto the rails or the back of the seat as soon as the train is moving.

Travel tips during pregnancy irrespective of the modes

Choose a strategically located seat

One can swap seats with a co-passenger or choose an aisle seat to ease the burden of frequent bathroom breaks. If your seat is not reserved, ask for pre-boarding. If you’re not driving, sit in the front to lessen the chance of motion sickness.

Stand up and stretch.

It’s important to avoid remaining immobile for prolonged periods of time while pregnant because blood clots are more prone to occur during this time. Wear loose clothing to keep the blood circulating through your legs. Whether flying or driving, take pauses around every 30 minutes to stand up, walk around, and stretch.

Stay hydrated

It is important to stay well hydrated during pregnancy to help avoid blood clots as well as swelling in the hands, legs, and feet. Dehydration also predisposes one to jet lag symptoms like weariness. 

Healthy eating habits

Though one is away from home, eating a balanced diet regularly is a must. 

Avoid spicy or fried foods the day of your trip because they can make motion sickness and gas production worse. Consult a doctor at a maternity hospital such as Lil Feet by Altius Hospitals for advice or prescription to avoid acidity or gas when need be.  Schedule changes can increase constipation problems, so be sure to consume enough of the three things that are most effective at preventing it: fibre, fluids, and exercise.

Never ignore nature’s call.

As soon as you have a need and can access a restroom, make sure to use it. Never ignore or delay nature’s call as it can promote constipation or trigger urinary tract infection (UTI).


Though it is safe to travel through any mode during pregnancythe ideal period is the second trimester. Certain precautions need to be taken for traveling during pregnancy to make the journey safe and comfortable. Women with difficult pregnancies such as IVF pregnancypregnancy with twins, etc, where the likelihood of premature labour is high are advised to avoid traveling by any means from 32 weeks until delivery. With highly experienced doctors and a compassionate team of staff, Lil feet by Altius Hospitals, the best maternity hospital, is equipped to offer complete care from pregnancy to delivery and the immediate post-delivery period.