Treating Diabetes – Learn How To Prevent And Control Diabetes

Prevent And Control Diabetes


Diabetes is a condition marked by a high blood sugar level. Diabetes exists in two types, Types I and II. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes have many characteristics and their underlying causes differ greatly. Accordingly, treatments also differ greatly.

Type I diabetes, though develops in childhood or adolescence, is not uncommon among adults. The main difference in type 1 diabetes is that the pancreas produces little or no insulin at all, hence it is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, the insulin produced by the pancreas is not sufficient or the cells poorly respond to insulin, and this leads to excess sugar in the blood. Both are chronic; while symptoms of diabetes type 1 are abrupt in its origin, the symptoms though similar are gradual in type 2 diabetes. At Altius Hospitals, the newest equipment and resources are available for effective diabetes management.

Diabetes I & II – differential diagnosis

You should be informed of the distinctions between diabetes I and II in order to effectively avoid and control diabetes. Adults who are diagnosed with diabetes are frequently informed in error that they have type 2 diabetes. This is due to the widespread belief that type 1 diabetes can develop at a young age. People with type 1 diabetes who also exhibit the traditional risk factors for type 2 diabetes, like overweight or being inactive, increased blood glucose levels, etc, are frequently misdiagnosed as having type 2 diabetes. It can also be challenging because people with type 1 diabetes of new-onset initially show no symptoms. For an accurate diagnosis, proper management, and/or diabetes treatment, one should consult a doctor.

Preventive measures

It has been demonstrated that changes in lifestyle can postpone or stop the onset of type 2 diabetes. In order to lessen their risk of developing type 2 diabetes and associated complications, people should engage in frequent, moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 30 minutes on most days. More exercise is needed to maintain a healthy weight, along with eating a nutritious diet free of sugar and saturated fats and quitting smoking, which raises the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Testing for blood glucose is a relatively easy and affordable way of achieving an early diagnosis.

Control of diabetes

Some of the early symptoms of diabetes include frequent hunger, weariness, frequent urination and thirst, dry lips, itchy skin, blurred vision, and others. Diabetes can affect other organs if left untreated for a long time and if the blood sugar levels are not appropriately managed.

In addition to reducing blood glucose and other known risk factors that harm blood vessels, diabetes treatment, and control also include food and exercise. It’s crucial to quit smoking if you want to prevent difficulties.

Cost-effective interventions include:

Blood glucose management, especially for type 1 diabetes

Those who have type 1 diabetes need insulin and those who have type 2 diabetes may also need insulin but can be managed with oral medications, blood pressure control, and other treatments initially.

Foot care 
  • Patient self-care by keeping the foot clean and dry
  • Use footwear that is professionally recommended
  • Foot ulcer management and Regular examination of feet by health professionals.

Other diabetes management strategies include:

  • Lipid control
  • Screening for early indicators of diabetes-related kidney disease and treatment
  • Eye testing – Retinopathy is a condition that can lead to blindness.


Over 10% of the adult population worldwide suffers from diabetes one of the most prevalent medical disorders. Diabetes can be difficult to manage for a variety of reasons. First of all, it has a significant impact on possible eating decisions. Secondly, the increase in blood sugar can cause a number of health issues. Diabetes is also known to have significant effects on the brain system, foot, kidneys, eyes, and cardiovascular system. Diabetes is brought on by an already resentful body’s sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits. Regulating the blood sugar can be due to less insulin or no insulin (Type I diabetes), or the body responding poorly to insulin (Type II diabetes). Altius Hospitals, a multi-specialty hospital is having all the major specialties including effective prevention, detection, management, and treatment of diabetes.

About Us

Altius Hospitals, Bangalore, has evolved as a leader in the healthcare system because of its integrated model that combines all services under one roof. From Cardiology and 24/7 emergency care to dialysis treatment and outpatient treatments – Altius offers it all! Our world-class chain of multi-specialty hospitals aims to treat people, not diseases. We use cutting-edge technology and harness health for all our patients so they can live their best lives possible. The Altius team has the best medical professionals providing excellent care, coupled with their rich experience and expertise using state-of-the-art technology. The hospital also offers comprehensive heart care, diagnostics, and treatment. The patients can now avail  cardiac care with our state-of-the-art GE – IGS 520 cath lab.