What is cardiac catheterization and when is it required?


A minimally invasive procedure called cardiac catheterization is used to assess how effectively the heart is functioning. This procedure is done by a cardiac specialist to identify if there are any issues with the heart and if any are detected to further plan the treatment or unblock if any blocked arteries are identified. To reach the heart, a catheter is placed into a sizable blood vessel in the hand or thigh called radial & femoral arteries respectively.

Cardiac catheterization – how is it useful for a cardiologist?

Cardiac catheterization is a very useful procedure for a cardiac specialist to treat certain conditions of the heart.

  • When a contrast dye is injected through the catheter, any blocked or constricted coronary arteries become detectable on X-rays. This is also referred to as coronary angiography or coronary arteriography.
  • cardiac specialist can open up narrowed or blocked segments of a coronary artery using a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), such as coronary angioplasty with stenting.
  • They can measure the pressure in each of your heart’s four chambers.
  • Collect blood samples to assess the oxygen levels in your heart’s four chambers.
  • Assess the pumping chambers’ capacity to contract.
  • Check for any valve problems.
  • Take a biopsy of the tissue of the heart.

The technique is carried out in a cardiac catheterization (cath) lab at the hospital. With the recent launch of the cath lab at Altius Hospital and with the best cardiologist, one can be assured of world-class treatment and care.

Cardiac catheterization may be advised by a cardiologist for a variety of conditions. The following are a few:

Chest discomfort: If a patient is having chest pain or discomfort that may be caused by a heart problem, cardiac catheterization may be required. This helps the cardiac specialist in finding coronary artery blockages that may be the source of chest discomfort or other symptoms.

Coronary artery disease (CAD): This is a condition due to the buildup of plaque in the arteries supplying blood to the heart and can be diagnosed and treated by cardiac catheterization.

Heart attack: Cardiac catheterization may be necessary to determine the extent of heart damage which makes it easy for the cardiac specialist to plan the best course of treatment for a patient who has experienced a heart attack.

Likewise, there are several other conditions for which a cardiologist might recommend a cardiac catheterization procedure.


Cardiac catheterization is a medical procedure that enables a cardiologist to identify and manage several heart conditions. Patients with chest pain or other symptoms that might be caused by a heart problem, as well as those who already know they have a heart condition that needs further testing or treatment, are frequently advised to undergo this procedure at a hospital.  The recent addition of the advanced cath lab makes Altius Hospitals one of the best cardiology hospitals. Patients with any heart condition can be assured of the best care and faster recovery.