What You Really Want To Be Aware Of Bone Transplantation

Bone Transplantation


Patients who have certain malignancies or other illnesses, such as leukaemias, lymphomas, aplastic anaemia, immune deficiency disorders, and some solid tumour cancers, may benefit from a unique therapy called a bone marrow transplant (BMT). After a person’s own unhealthy bone marrow has been treated to remove the faulty cells, healthy bone marrow cells are then transfused into the person.

Bone Marrow Transplant (Stem Cell Transplant) – a novel treatment method

During a bone marrow transplant, healthy cells are used to replace your bone marrow. It’s possible for the replacement cells to be from your body or from a donor. A bone marrow transplant is also known as a stem cell transplant, hematopoietic stem cell transplant, or just a stem cell transplant. Transplantation can be used to treat leukaemia, myeloma, lymphoma, and other abnormalities of the blood and immune system that weaken the bone marrow.

What are stem cells and what is their relevance with bone marrow?

The ability to grow and differentiate into the numerous cell types that your body needs is possessed by special cells known as stem cells. In various parts of the body and at various times, different types of stem cells can be seen.

Cancer and cancer treatments might be harmful to your hematopoietic stem cells. Hematopoietic stem cells are the stem cells that give rise to blood cells. The soft, spongy bone marrow tissue of the body is where hematopoietic stem cells are located. The majority of bones have this on the middle or inner side. The blood that flows throughout your body also contains hematopoietic stem cells. When hematopoietic stem cells divide, they may not produce red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets.

The types of bone marrow transplants
Autologous transplant

In this transplant, your own blood cells are collected and stored. You get them back, post-treatment with high-dose chemotherapy. This type of transplant is a rescue operation. High doses of chemotherapy or radiation will damage your bone marrow beyond regenerative capacity. After that, blood cells are back to repair your damaged bone marrow.

Allogeneic transplant

Here we use blood cells collected from another person (also called a donor). This person may be a member of the family like a sibling or someone unrelated. In this transplant, your bone marrow is replaced with healthy marrow from someone else whose HLA typing is matching at least 50% and above.

How does a bone marrow/stem cell transplant work?

The primary procedures in AUTO and ALLO transplants involve gathering stem cells to be replaced, treating the patient to get their body ready for the transplant (ie by chemotherapy or radiation therapy), performing the transplant itself, and then the recovery process.

How do you know if the transplant worked?

What a successful transplant means to you, your family and your medical team may vary. Here are 2 ways to determine whether your transplant was successful.

Your blood counts have returned to normal. A blood count determines the quantities of platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells in your blood.

Your cancer is in remission. One of the main purposes of a bone marrow/stem cell transplant is to cure cancer. Some malignancies, like some forms of leukaemia and lymphoma, may be treatable. Remission of cancer is the greatest outcome for other disorders. Remission is the absence of any cancerous symptoms or signs.

After a transplant, you must periodically visit your doctor and undergo testing. This follow-up care is vital for your recovery as any complications of transplant or side effects could be addressed.


Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT), is the procedure adopted especially in treating some types of cancers. The Bone marrow which is abnormal is replaced with normal healthy bone marrow. The procedure is complex and needs expertise and sophisticated facility. Altius Hospitals with its highly experienced medical fraternity and cutting-edge technology is equipped for this high-end therapy.